
  1. Introduction
  2. Current Officers
  3. Past Officers
  4. Constitution

Introduction ?

Artifacts is a group for UCLA Information Studies students interested in arts librarianship, visual resources, and museum informatics.

The group encourages professional networking within these fields and actively promotes involvement in professional activities beyond the classroom through lectures, workshops, visits to local collections, special events, and liaison with regional and national associations such as the Art Libraries Society of North America, the Visual Resources Association, the American Association of Museums, the Museum Computer Network, and the College Art Association.

Current Officers ?


Co-Presidents: Daryl Bergman, Sam Regal, Erin Schneider
Vice President:
Social Media Chair:
Web Chair:
Conference Chair: Christine Chan, Amy Fleming

Past Officers


Co-Presidents: Amanda Lorge and Lisa Kahn
Vice President: Sam Regal
Treasurer: Molly Hemphill
Social Media Chair: Lea Simpson
Secretary: Serena Rodholm
Web Chair: Jessica Craig
Conference Chair: Daryl Bergman


Co-Presidents: Casey Winkleman and Grace Diliberto
Co-Vice Presidents: Amanda Lorge and Lisa Kahn
Treasurer: Alexandra Solodkaya
Secretary: Jessica Craig
Social Media Chair: Lea Simpson
Webmaster: Nick Schwieterman
Conference Co-Chairs: Maxwell Holland and Meg De Waal

President: Megan Sallabedra
Vice President: Casey Winkleman
Treasurer: Alexandra Solodkaya
Secretary: Carolina Meneses
Publicity Chair: Ashley Evans
Webmaster: Nick Schwieterman

President: Karly Wildenhaus
Vice Presidents: Hannah Mandel and Rosa Celestino
Treasurer: Megan Sallabedra
Secretary: Lindsey Gant
Publicity Chair: Ashley Evans

Presidents: Raphael Sasayama and Haylee Freeman
Vice President: Karly Wildenhaus

Officers: Geno Sanchez, Jonathan Ballak, and Emily Coxe
Faculty Advisor: Jonathan Furner

President: Julia Kim

Presidents: Jaimie Beth Colvin and Stacie Schmidt
Vice Presidents: Jackie Correa and Emily Appleton
Treasurer: Ali Castellon
Secretary: Michele James
Publicity Chairs: Ashley Soo and Clarice De Veyra
Webmasters: Amanda Cheung and Carolyn Lee
Faculty Advisor: Jonathan Furner

Presidents: Dawn Aveline and Amanda Milbourn
Vice Presidents: Marcia Melkonian and Rachel Rohac
Treasurers: Medria Martin and Claire Moler
Secretary: Moon Kim
Publicity Chair: Jaimie Beth Colvin
Webmaster: Adrian Anaya
Faculty Advisor: Jonathan Furner

Presidents: Jacque Giebel and Ashley Sands
Vice Presidents: Nora Bloch and Amanda Milbourn
Treasurers: Marcia Melkonian and Medria Martin
Secretaries: Claire Kennedy and Dawn Aveline
Publicity Chairs: Ina Celaya and Natalie Snoyman
Webmaster: Evan Baker
Faculty Advisor: Jonathan Furner

Presidents: Christie Hartmann and Joel Parham
Vice Presidents: Alexandria Godina and Ashley Sands
Treasurer: Jacque Giebel
Publicity Chair: Nicole Shibata

Presidents: Holly Larson and Celina Lee
Vice Presidents: Angi Brzycki and Alexandria Godina
Treasurers: Teresa Soleau and Rebecca Addicks-Salerno
Publicity Chair: Krystal Appiah
Webmasters: Joel Parham and Christie Hartmann
Faculty Advisor: Jonathan Furner

Presidents: Patricia Peregrine and Katherine Becvar
Vice President: Shilpa Rele
Treasurer: Teresa Soleau
Publicity Chair: Parisa Samaie
Webmaster: Sarah Buchanan
Faculty Advisor: Jonathan Furner

Inaugural Officers, 2006–2007
Presidents: Chizu Morihara and Sarah Sherman
Vice President: Katherine Becvar
Treasurers: Amy Croft and Yoko Shimojo
Webmaster: Will Breitbach
Faculty Advisor: Jonathan Furner

Constitution ?

I. Name

The official name of this organization shall be ARTiFACTS.

II. Purposes and Aims

ARTiFACTS shall promote the social and professional growth of its members and support the Department of Information Studies. It will provide students at UCLA with the opportunity to explore information issues relating to collections of or about the visual and performing arts, and artifacts of material culture. It will encourage professional networking within the fields of museum informatics, visual resources, and arts librarianship, and will actively promote involvement in professional activities beyond the classroom through lectures, workshops, visits to local collections, special events, and liaison with regional and national associations.

III. Membership
  1. All members of this organization shall be currently enrolled in the Department of Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles.
  2. All faculty of the Department of Information Studies are granted honorary membership and are entitled to all the privileges of membership with the exception that they cannot vote.
  3. Membership is open to all students, regardless of ethnicity, gender, religion, creed handicap, sexual orientation, or age.
IV. Activities
  1. There shall be a meeting of the membership at the beginning of each academic year and thereafter as necessary.
  2. Activities and programs shall be planned in accordance with the purpose set forth in Article II, Purposes and Aims.
V. Officers (revised 10/2010)

The president is the leader of the group and the official face of the organization

  • Oversees all other officer positions
  • Calls elections and makes the official appointments for officer positions
  • Ensures that all officers remain active in their duties
  • Leads officer meetings while ensuring that all officer voices are heard
  • Introduces and speaks at ARTiFACTS events
  • Maintains the official e-mail account
  • Maintains the member roster
  • Keep a calendar of upcoming meetings and events
Vice President

Becomes president if the president is absent or needs to step down

  • Officer Meetings
  • Creates a Doodle when the President calls a new meeting
  • Determines and announce the final date and time of officer meetings
  • Events
  • Reserves the room/venue
  • Determines Food/Snacks needs
  • Reserves parking for guests

Heads the group’s finance and revenue

  • Responsible for Cash Flow in and out of organization
  • Pay bills and reimburse officers
  • Submit necessary cash advances
  • Save receipts, complete and submit reimbursements to GSA and/or SGB
  • Keep a record of spending and earning
  • Lead fundraising efforts

Creates and manages the institutional records

  • Officer meetings
  • Creates the agenda prior to all meetings and distributes to officers before meeting
  • Takes notes at meetings and emails the final minutes to all officers
  • Maintains organizational records and archives these records appropriately
  • Including both digital and paper records
  • Communicate with the Webmaster to ensure that updates occur when needed
Publicity Chair

Provide group exposure to audiences using topics of public interest

  • Create awareness for all ARTiFACTS-sponsored events
  • Post on IS-Announce
  • Post on Facebook
  • Create and Post fliers in IS building
  • Communicate with the webmaster to ensure activities/events remains updated
  • Designate a photographer at each event and ensure these photos are given to the webmaster and are posted on Facebook

Responsible for updating and maintenance of ARTiFACTS website

  • Reply to user comments when necessary
  • Works closely with Secretary and Publicity chair to stay current in regards to photos, events, etc.

* All leaders should have programming ideas and be willing to take the lead in specific upcoming events. All positions are flexible and assigned duties can easily be delegated to other positions for specific events/times.

VI. Faculty Advisor
  1. The Faculty advisor shall be recommended by the Chair of the Department of Information Studies and approved by the members of the Student Chapter. The Faculty Advisor shall act as a liaison between the Student Chapter and the Department of Information Studies.
  2. The Faculty Advisor shall be an active partner with the Student Chapter membership in fulfilling the purposes set forth in Article II, Purposes and Aims.
VII. Executive Board

The Executive board shall consist of the Officers and the Faculty Advisor as Member Ex-Officio.

VIII. Elections and Terms of Office
  1. Elections for the offices of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Web Designer shall be coordinated by the outgoing President and/or the Advisor and shall take place near the end of the year. The exact timing shall be at the discretion of the Advisor.
  2. Only students at UCLA shall be able to serve as officers. Two individuals may hold an officer position jointly.
  3. Elections shall take place if there are multiple candidates for the offices.
  4. Terms of office for all offices shall be for one academic year, with no restrictions on the number of incumbencies.
  5. The officer’s terms of office shall begin on July 1st following the election and run until June 30th of the next year.
  6. Officer Vacancies will be filled in the sole discretion of the Advisor.
  7. The Advisor may create new officer positions at any time.
IX. Provision to Make Financial Records Available

Requests of inquiry with regard to financial records can be made electronically via email. Said requests must provide a detailed description of the type of records requested.

X. Committees

Committees shall be appointed as necessary by the Executive Board.

XI. Parliamentary Procedures

All questions of parliamentary procedure shall be decided by consensus of the officers present.

XII. Amendments

Proposed amendments to this Constitution may be introduced by any member at any meeting and shall be decided by a majority vote of those present at the next meeting of the organization.

XIII. Ratification

Ratification of this Constitution shall be in accordance with the rules set forth for amendment to this document.